So many crafts, so little time...

So many crafts, so little time...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wrist Warmers - Long & Trim

Bulky weight yarn.
(Lion Brand Alpine Wool in Barley)
4 size US 8 dpn
Stitch marker.

Cast on 32 stitches.
Divide stitches onto 3 dpn.
Join and mark beginning of round.
P2, K2 for 14 rounds.
Knit next round, reducing to 24 stitches by knitting two together from each set of purls from previous row.
Knit for 22 rounds.
Mark place for base of thumb gusset.
In next round increase one stitch by knitting in back and front loop where marked.
Rearrange stitches on needles so that gusset stitches are on their own needle.
Continue knitting rounds. On alternate rows, increase two outermost stitches on gusset needle for 8 rows.
On next round, increase one stitch directly opposite the gusset.
Continue rounds, increasing width of gusset at edges until there are 12 stitches on the gusset needle. Move 2 stitches from each end of gusset needle onto adjoining needles.
Begin finger rib by purling moved stitches, then continuing in K2, P2 pattern. When you return to gusset needle, bind off gusset stitches.
Continue rib for 2 row worked back and forth, then rejoin in round.
Reduce purls above thumb hole to 4 using k2tog.
Continue in K2,P2 rib until rib is 13 rows long.
Bind off snugly.
Weave in ends.

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